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Test CLI.


check ⚓︎


Run pytest checks, such as identifying .

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
def check(_ctx: Context) -> None:
    """Run pytest checks, such as identifying ."""
    if duplciates :='tests')):
        raise RuntimeError(f'Duplicate test names found ({duplciates}). See above for details.')  # noqa: EM102

coverage ⚓︎

coverage(ctx, *, min_cover=0, out_dir=None, view=False)

Generate useful coverage outputs after running pytest.

Creates coverage.json used in

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
        'min_cover': 'Fail if coverage less than threshold',
        'out_dir': 'Optional path to coverage directory. Typically ".cover" or "releases/tests"',
        'view': 'If True, open the created files',
def coverage(ctx: Context, *, min_cover: int = 0, out_dir: Optional[str] = None, view: bool = False) -> None:
    """Generate useful coverage outputs after running pytest.

    Creates `coverage.json` used in ``

    pkg_name = read_package_name()
    _inner_task(ctx, cli_args='', min_cover=min_cover,
                command=f'coverage run --branch --source={pkg_name} --module pytest')

    cov_dir = Path(out_dir or from_ctx(ctx, 'test', 'out_dir'))
    cov_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    print()  # noqa: T201
    for cli_args in (
        'report --show-missing',  # Write to STDOUT
        f'html --directory={cov_dir}',  # Write to HTML
        'json',  # Create coverage.json file for "_handle_coverage"
        run(ctx, f'{python_dir()}/coverage {cli_args}')

    if view:  # pragma: no cover
        open_in_browser(cov_dir / 'index.html')

pytest ⚓︎

pytest(ctx, *, keyword='', marker='', min_cover=0)

Run pytest with default arguments.

Additional arguments can be set in the environment variable ‘PYTEST_ADDOPTS’

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
        'min_cover': 'Fail if coverage less than threshold',
def pytest(ctx: Context, *, keyword: str = '', marker: str = '', min_cover: int = 0) -> None:
    """Run pytest with default arguments.

    Additional arguments can be set in the environment variable 'PYTEST_ADDOPTS'

    pkg_name = read_package_name()
    durations = '--durations=25 --durations-min="0.1"'
                cli_args=f' --cov={pkg_name} --cov-branch --cov-report=term-missing {durations}',
                keyword=keyword, marker=marker, min_cover=min_cover)

step ⚓︎

step(ctx, *, keyword='', marker='')

Run pytest optimized to stop on first error.

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
def step(ctx: Context, *, keyword: str = '', marker: str = '') -> None:
    """Run pytest optimized to stop on first error."""
    _inner_task(ctx, cli_args=_STEPWISE_ARGS, keyword=keyword, marker=marker)

watch ⚓︎

watch(ctx, *, keyword='', marker='')

Run pytest with polling and optimized to stop on first error.

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
def watch(ctx: Context, *, keyword: str = '', marker: str = '') -> None:
    """Run pytest with polling and optimized to stop on first error."""
    _inner_task(ctx, cli_args=_STEPWISE_ARGS, keyword=keyword, marker=marker, command='ptw . --now')