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Migration Guide⚓︎

calcipy 1.0.0⚓︎


calcipy v1 was a complete rewrite to switch from doit to invoke:

  • with invoke, tasks can be run from anywhere without a file
  • tasks can be loaded lazily, which means that some performance gains are possible
  • since there is no shared state file, tasks can be more easily run from pre-commit or generally in parallel

doit excelled at clearly delineated task output and run summary, but invoke isn’t designed that way. I would like to improve the CLI output, but the benefits are worth this tradeoff.

calcipy v0 was built on doit and thus required a file. I began adding cement to support a separate CLI for calcipy installed with pipx, but that required a lot of boilerplate code. With doit, the string command needed to be complete at task evaluation rather than runtime, so globbing files couldn’t be resolved lazily.


While refactoring, the global configuration was mostly removed (DoitGlobals) along with a few tasks, but the main functionality is still present. Any project dependent on calcipy will need substantial changes. The easiest way to start migrating is to run copier copy gh:KyleKing/calcipy_template . for calcipy_template

Speed Test⚓︎

It turns out that switching to invoke appears to have only saved 100ms

> hyperfine -m 20 --warmup 5 "poetry run python -c 'print(1)'"
Benchmark 1: poetry run python -c 'print(1)'
Time (mean ± σ):     377.9 ms ±   3.1 ms    [User: 235.0 ms, System: 61.8 ms]
Range (min  max):   372.7 ms  384.0 ms    20 runs
> hyperfine -m 20 --warmup 5 ./run
Benchmark 1: ./run
Time (mean ± σ):     936.0 ms ±  26.9 ms    [User: 1548.2 ms, System: 1687.7 ms]
Range (min  max):   896.4 ms  1009.4 ms    20 runs
> hyperfine -m 20 --warmup 5 "poetry run calcipy_tags"
Benchmark 1: poetry run calcipy_tags
Time (mean ± σ):     618.5 ms ±  29.7 ms    [User: 1536.8 ms, System: 1066.2 ms]
Range (min  max):   578.2 ms  694.9 ms    20 runs
> hyperfine -m 20 --warmup 5 "poetry run doit list"
Benchmark 1: poetry run doit list
Time (mean ± σ):      1.002 s ±  0.015 s    [User: 1.643 s, System: 1.682 s]
Range (min  max):    0.974 s   1.023 s    20 runs

Additionally, the major decrease in dependencies will make install and update actions much faster. With the recommended extras installed, calcipy-v1 has 124 dependencies (with all extras, 164) vs. calcipy-v0’s 259. Counted with: cat .calcipy_packaging.lock | jq 'keys' | wc -l

Code Comparison⚓︎

Accounting for code extracted to corallium, the overall number of lines decreased from 1772 to 1550 or only 12%, while increasing the CLI and pre-commit capabilities.

~/calcipy-v0 > cloc calcipy
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Python                          26            942           1075           1772
SUM:                            26            942           1075           1772
~/calcipy > cloc calcipy
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Python                          27            454            438           1185
SUM:                            27            454            438           1185
~/corallium > cloc corallium
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Python                           7            176            149            365
SUM:                             7            176            149            365

~/calcipy > cloc tests
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
YAML                             2              0              0            580
Python                          19            176             68            578
JSON                             2              0              0             60
Markdown                         3              9             10              8
Text                             1              0              0              2
SUM:                            27            185             78           1228
~/calcipy-v0 > cloc tests
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
JSON                            30              0              0            762
YAML                             2              0              0            580
Python                          24            314            186            578
Markdown                         3              9             10              8
SUM:                            59            323            196           1928
~/corallium > cloc tests
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Python                           6             36             15             69
Markdown                         1              1              0              2
SUM:                             7             37             15             71

doit output⚓︎

I would like to restore the doit task summary, but invoke’s architecture doesn’t really make this possible. The --continue option was extremely useful, but that also might not be achievable.

> poetry run doit run
.  format_recipes > [
        Python: function format_recipes

2023-02-19 10:40:23.954 | INFO     | recipes.formatter:_write_toc:287 - Creating TOC for: ./recipes/docs/breakfast
2023-02-19 10:40:23.957 | INFO     | recipes.formatter:_write_toc:287 - Creating TOC for: ./recipes/docs/rice
2023-02-19 10:40:23.959 | INFO     | recipes.formatter:_write_toc:287 - Creating TOC for: ./recipes/docs/meals
2023-02-19 10:40:23.964 | INFO     | recipes.formatter:_write_toc:287 - Creating TOC for: ./recipes/docs/seafood
2023-02-19 10:40:23.967 | INFO     | recipes.formatter:_write_toc:287 - Creating TOC for: ./recipes/docs/pizza
2023-02-19 10:40:23.969 | INFO     | recipes.formatter:_write_toc:287 - Creating TOC for: ./recipes/docs/poultry
2023-02-19 10:40:23.972 | INFO     | recipes.formatter:_write_toc:287 - Creating TOC for: ./recipes/docs/sushi
.  collect_code_tags > [
        Python: function write_code_tag_file

.  cl_write > [
        Cmd: poetry run cz changelog
        Python: function _move_cl

.  lock > [
        Cmd: poetry lock --no-update

Resolving dependencies...
.  nox_coverage > [
        Cmd: poetry run nox --error-on-missing-interpreters --session coverage


doit> Summary:
doit> format_recipes was successful
doit> collect_code_tags was successful
doit> cl_write was successful
doit> lock was successful
doit> nox_coverage was successful
doit> auto_format was successful
doit> document was successful
doit> check_for_stale_packages was successful
doit> pre_commit_hooks failed (red)
doit> lint_project was not run
doit> static_checks was not run
doit> security_checks was not run
doit> check_types was not run