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Packaging CLI.


bump_tag ⚓︎

bump_tag(ctx, *, tag, tag_prefix='', pkg_name='')

Experiment with bumping the git tag using griffe.

Example for calcipy:

./run pack.bump-tag --tag="$(git tag -l "*" | sort | head -n 5 | tail -n 1)" --tag-prefix=""
Source code in calcipy/tasks/
        'tag': 'Last tag, can be provided with `--tag="$(git tag -l "v*" | sort | tail -n 1)"`',
        'tag_prefix': 'Optional tag prefix, such as "v"',
        'pkg_name': 'Optional package name. If not provided, will read the poetry pyproject.toml file',
def bump_tag(ctx: Context, *, tag: str, tag_prefix: str = '', pkg_name: str = '') -> None:  # noqa: ARG001
    """Experiment with bumping the git tag using `griffe`.

    Example for `calcipy`:

    ./run pack.bump-tag --tag="$(git tag -l "*" | sort | head -n 5 | tail -n 1)" --tag-prefix=""

    if not tag:
        raise ValueError('tag must not be empty')
    if not pkg_name:
        poetry_config = file_helpers.read_pyproject()['tool']['poetry']
        pkg_name = poetry_config['name']

    new_version = bump_programmatically.bump_tag(

check_licenses ⚓︎


Check licenses for compatibility with licensecheck.

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
def check_licenses(ctx: Context) -> None:
    """Check licenses for compatibility with `licensecheck`."""
    res = run(ctx, 'which licensecheck', warn=True, hide=True)
    if not res or res.exited == 1:
        logger.warning('`licensecheck` not found. installing with pipx')
        run(ctx, 'pipx install licensecheck')
    run(ctx, 'licensecheck')

install_extras ⚓︎


Run poetry install with all extras.

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
def install_extras(ctx: Context) -> None:
    """Run poetry install with all extras."""
    poetry_config = file_helpers.read_pyproject()['tool']['poetry']
    extras = (poetry_config.get('extras') or {}).keys()
    run(ctx, ' '.join(['poetry install --sync', *[f'--extras={ex}' for ex in extras]]))

lock ⚓︎


Ensure poetry.lock is up-to-date.

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
def lock(ctx: Context) -> None:
    """Ensure poetry.lock is  up-to-date."""
    if can_skip.can_skip(prerequisites=[PROJECT_TOML], targets=[LOCK]):
        return  # Exit early

    run(ctx, 'poetry lock --no-update')

publish ⚓︎

publish(ctx, *, to_test_pypi=False)

Build the distributed format(s) and publish.

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
        'to_test_pypi': 'Publish to the TestPyPi repository',
def publish(ctx: Context, *, to_test_pypi: bool = False) -> None:
    """Build the distributed format(s) and publish."""
    run(ctx, f'{python_dir()}/nox --error-on-missing-interpreters --session build_dist build_check')

    cmd = 'poetry publish'
    if to_test_pypi:
        cmd += ' --repository testpypi'
    run(ctx, cmd)