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Utilities for working in calcipy’s python environment.


check_installed ⚓︎

check_installed(ctx, executable, message)

If the required executable isn’t present, raise a clear user error.

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
def check_installed(ctx: Context, executable: str, message: str) -> None:
    """If the required executable isn't present, raise a clear user error."""
    res = run(ctx, f'which {executable}', warn=True, hide=True)
    if not res or res.exited == 1:
        raise RuntimeError(message)

python_dir cached ⚓︎


Runs an executable from the currently active Python directory.

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
def python_dir() -> str:
    """Runs an executable from the currently active Python directory."""
    return str(resolve_python().parent)

python_m cached ⚓︎


Return the active python path and -m flag.

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
def python_m() -> str:
    """Return the active python path and `-m` flag."""
    return f'{resolve_python()} -m'

resolve_python cached ⚓︎


Resolve the user’s Python path based on sys.

Source code in calcipy/tasks/
def resolve_python() -> Path:
    """Resolve the user's Python path based on `sys`."""
    python_path = Path(sys.executable)
    with suppress(ValueError):
        return python_path.relative_to(Path.cwd())
    return python_path